R. Abagyan, (New York University)
Challenges of Biomolecular Structure Prediction

Charles Cantor, (Boston University)
Enhancements in Sequence Analysis With DNA Arrays

David Cox, (Stanford University)
The Human Genetic Variation: Oligonucleotide Chips and Human Disease.

Ron Davis, (Stanford University)
Whole Genome Analysis: Expression, Replication, Recombination, Allelic Variation, and Drug Discovery Function

Michael Levitt, (Stanford University)
Bridging the Gap Between Sequence and Structure

Klaus Gubernator, (CombiChem)
Evolutionary Drug Discovery

David Schwartz, (New York University)
New Approaches to Genomic Analaysis Using Single Molecules

John Yates, (University of Washington)
Mass Spectrometry and the Proteome

Joshua Lederberg, (Rockfeller University)
The Stanislaw Ulam Address


RECOMB 98 will feature 9 invited lectures including the following conference events:

THE STANISLAW ULAM MEMORIAL COMPUTATIONAL BIOLOGY ADDRESS awarded by RECOMB to Professor Joshua Lederberg of Rockfeller University who has made major contributions in the computational aspects of the field.

THE DISTINGUISHED BIOLOGY LECTURE awarded by RECOMB to Professor Ron Davis of Stanford University who has made major contributions in the biological aspects of the field.

THE DISTINGUISHED NEW TECHNOLOGIES LECTURE Professor David Cox of Stanford University will describe emerging, new technologies.

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