The RECOMB 2002 Schedule

Wednesday, April 17.

18:00--20:00Registration and Reception

Thursday, April 18.

8:45--9:00Opening: Gene Myers, Program Chair; Sridhar Hannenhalli, Conference Chair; and Martin Vingron, RECOMB 2003 Conference Chair
9:00--9:50The Stanislaw Ulam Memorial Lecture: Gene Myers, Chair
Sequencing the Human Genome
J. Craig Venter
9:50--10:15Coffee Break
MOTIFS: Isidore Rigoutsos, Chair
10:15--10:40Monotony of Surprise And Large-Scale Quest for Unusual Words
Alberto Apostolico, Mary Ellen Bock, Stefano Lonardi
10:40--11:05Finding Motifs in the Twilight Zone
Uri Keich, Pavel A. Pevzner
11:05--11:30Discriminative Motifs
Saurabh Sinha
11:30--11:55Trilogy: Discovery of Sequence-Structure Patterns Across Diverse Proteins
Phil Bradley, Peter S. Kim, Bonnie Berger
11:55--13:30Lunch Break
13:30--14:20Keynote: Sorin Istrail, Chair
Toward a Proteome Atlas for C. elegans
Marc Vidal
14:20--14:45Coffee Break
GENE EXPRESSION: Terry Gaasterland, Chair
14:45--15:10Phase-Independent Rhythmic Analysis of Genome-Wide Expression Patterns
Christopher James Langmead, Anthony K. Yan, C. Robertson McClung, Bruce Randall Donald
15:10--15:35A New Approach to Analyzing Gene Expression Time Series Data
Ziv Bar-Joseph, Georg Gerber, David K. Gifford, Tommi S. Jaakkola, Itamar Simon
15:35--16:00A Bayesian Approach to Transcript Estimation from Gene Array Data: The BEAM Technique
Ron O. Dror, Jonathan G. Murnick, Nicola A. Rinaldi
16:00--16:25Coffee Break
16:25--16:50Microarrays: How Many Do You Need?
Alexander Zien, Juliane Fluck, Ralf Zimmer, Thomas Lengauer
16:50--17:15Analysis of Gene Expression Profiles: Class Discovery and Leaf Ordering
Chris H.Q. Ding
17:15--17:40Discovering Local Structure in Gene Expression Data: The Order-Preserving Submatrix Problem
Amir Ben-Dor, Benny Chor, Richard Karp, Zohar Yakhini
21:00--22:30RECOMB Business Meeting and Awards (open for all attendees)

Friday, April 19.

9:00--9:50The Distinguished New Technologies Lecture: Thomas Lengauer, Chair
Applied Computational Genomics: Polymorphism Prediction, Data Mining and Genomic Analysis
Harold ``Skip'' Garner
9:50--10:15Coffee Break
FUNCTION: George Komatsoulis, Chair
10:15--10:40Combining Pairwise Sequence Similarity and Support Vector Machines for Remote Protein Homology Detection
Li Liao, William Stafford Noble
10:40--11:05Probabilistic Hierarchical Clustering for Biological Data
Eran Segal, Daphne Koller
11:05--11:30Inferring Domain-Domain Interactions from Protein-Protein Interactions
Minghua Deng, Shipra Mehta, Fengzhu Sun, Ting Chen
11:30--11:55From Promoter Sequence to Expression: A Probabilistic Framework
Eran Segal, Yoseph Barash, Itamar Simon, Nir Friedman, Daphne Koller
11:55--13:30Lunch Break
13:30--14:20Keynote: Ron Shamir, Chair
Computational Structural Proteomics and Virtual Ligand Screening
Ruben Abagyan
14:20--14:45Coffee Break
14:45--15:10Structural Alignment of Large-Size Proteins via Lagrangian Relaxation
Alberto Caprara, Giuseppe Lancia
15:10--15:35Revealing Protein Structures: A New Method for Mapping Antibody Epitopes
Brendan M. Mumey, Brian W. Bailey, Edward A. Dratz
15:35--16:00Stochastic Roadmap Simulation: An Efficient Representation and Algorithm for Analyzing Molecular Motion
Mehmet Serkan Apaydin, Douglas L. Brutlag, Carlos Guestrin, David Hsu, Jean-Claude Latombe
16:00--16:25A Dimensionality Reduction Approach to Modeling Protein Flexibility
Miguel L. Teodoro, George N. Phillips Jr., Lydia E. Kavraki
16:25--16:50Using Motion Planning to Map Protein Folding Landscapes and Analyze Folding Kinetics of Known Native Structures
Nancy M. Amato, Ken A. Dill, Guang Song
16:50--19:00Poster Session and Software Demonstrations

Saturday, April 20.

9:00--9:50The Distinguished Biology Lecture: Michael Waterman, Chair
Lymphocyte Turnover in HIV-1 Infection and the Role of the Thymus in SIV Infection
David D. Ho
9:50--10:15Coffee Break
SEQUENCE ANALYSIS: Serafim Batzoglou, Chair
10:15--10:40Provably Sensitive Indexing Strategies for Biosequence Similarity Search
Jeremy Buhler
10:40--11:05Picking Alignments from (Steiner) Trees
Lior Pachter, Fumei Lam, Marina Alexandersson
11:05--11:30Comparison of Minisatellites
S\`everine B\'erard, \'Eric Rivals
11:30--11:55The Restriction Scaffold Problem
Amir Ben-Dor, Richard M. Karp, Benno Schwikowski, Ron Shamir
11:55--13:30Lunch Break
13:30--14:20Keynote: Pavel Pevzner, Chair
Microarray Analysis of Vertebrate Embryonic Neural Induction
Ali H. Brivanlou
14:20--14:45Coffee Break
SNPs AND EVOLUTION: Benny Chor, Chair
14:45--15:10DNA Sequence Evolution with Neighbor-Dependent Mutation
Peter F. Arndt, Christopher B. Burge, Terence Hwa
15:10--15:35Significance of Inter-Species Matches When Evolutionary Rate Varies
Jia Li, Webb Miller
15:35--16:00Deconvolving Sequence Variation in Mixed DNA Populations
Andy Wildenberg, Steven Skiena, Pavel Sumazin
16:00--16:25Haplotyping as Perfect Phylogeny: Conceptual Framework and Efficient Solutions
Dan Gusfield
16:25--16:50Set Association Analysis of SNP Case-Control and Microarray Data
Jurg Ott, Josephine Hoh
16:50--19:00Poster Session and Software Demonstrations

Sunday, April 21.

9:00--9:50Keynote: Sridhar Hannenhalli, Chair
Recent Duplication, Evolution and Assembly of the Human Genome
Evan E. Eichler
9:50--10:15Coffee Break
RNA and GENOME REARRANGEMENTS: Marie-France Sagot, Chair
10:15--10:40Approximate Matching of Secondary Structures
Nadia El-Mabrouk, Mathieu Raffinot
10:40--11:05Designing RNA Structures: Natural and Artificial Selection
Barry Cohen, Steven Skiena
11:05--11:30An Algorithm to Find All Sorting Reversals
Adam C. Siepel
11:30--11:55Tests for Gene Clustering
Dannie Durand, David Sankoff
11:55--13:30Lunch Break
13:30--14:20Keynote David Sankoff, Chair
Biological and Computational Annotation of the Drosophila Genome Sequence
Gerald M. Rubin
14:20--14:45Coffee Break
DNA HYBRIDIZATION: Vineet Bafna, Chair
14:45--15:10Sequencing by Hybridization using Direct and Reverse Cooperating Spectra
Samuel A. Heath, Franco P. Preparata, Joel Young
15:10--15:35Handling Long Targets and Errors in Sequencing by Hybridization
Eran Halperin, Shay Halperin, Tzvika Hartman, Ron Shamir
15:35--16:00String Barcoding: Uncovering Optimal Virus Signatures
Sam Rash, Dan Gusfield
16:00--16:15End of Conference