April 2-5, 2006. Venice Convention at The Cinema Palace, Venice Lido - Italy
The RECOMB Conference series was founded in 1997 to provide a scientific forum for theoretical advances in computational biology and their applications in molecular biology and medicine.
The conference series aims at attracting research contributions in all areas of computational molecular biology. Typical, but not exclusive, the topics of interest are:

  • Genomics
  • Molecular sequence analysis
  • Recognition of genes and regulatory elements
  • Molecular evolution
  • Protein structure
  • Structural genomics
  • Gene Expression
  • Gene Networks
  • Drug Design
  • Combinatorial libraries
  • Computational proteomics
  • Structural and functional genomics

The origins of the conference came from the mathematical and computational side of the field, and there remains to be a certain focus on computational advances. However, the effective use of computational techniques to biological innovation is also an important aspect of the conference. The conference had a growing number of attendees, topping 600 in recent years. We are preparing for up to 700 participants in 2006. The conference program includes 40 contributed papers, that have been selected by an international program committee with 38 experts during a rigorous review process rivaling the editorial procedure for top-rate scientific journals. Like previous years, paper selection has been made from over 200 submissions from well over a dozen countries. A further point in the program is a lively poster session. Around 200 posters will be presented at RECOMB 2006.

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