Dates: 19-20 April, 2018
The 6th RECOMB Satellite on Computational Methods in Genetics will focus on current research at the intersection of genetics, computer science, statistics, and related fields in gathering and analyzing SNP and haplotype data and applying it to problems in medicine and basic research. Population genetics allows more refined understanding of the demographic history of our species, association analysis provides insights regarding the functional and molecular underpinnings of diseases and traits, while clinical applications suggest genetics as a trailblazer into personalized medicine. The complex bioinformatic questions arising range from inferring more nuanced statistical models of genetic information to algorithms that overcome the complexity challenges of analyzing millions of SNPs across millions of individuals, to systems level challenges of handling such Big Data repositories of genotypes and phenotypes.
Schedule at-a-glance
Thursday April 19th
RECOMB Genetics I
- Welcome address
- Alexis Battle (Keynote)
Shared with RECOMB-SEQ
- Session 1
- Coffee break
- Lluis Quintana-Murci
Population genetics and genomics of immunity to infection
Friday April 20th
RECOMB Genetics II
- Romain Koszul (Keynote)
- Coffee break
- Laurent Excoffier
The perils of inferring past demography from genomic data
- Session 2
- Lunch break
Roam the streets of Paris...
- Session 3
- Coffee break
- Jian Yang (Keynote)
- Poster session
Opening reception + Registration
Open to both RECOMB and satellites participants
Session 1
- Algorithms to modulate ARG by Selection
- Complex demographic histories of admixed populations reconstructed with Approximate Bayesian Computations
- Towards an Accurate and Efficient Heuristic for Species/Gene Tree Co-estimation – might not be able to present
Session 2
- DataRemix: a universal data transformation for optimal inference from gene expression datasets
- Predicting complex diseases: performance and robustness
Session 3
- Construction of individual recombination maps using linked-read sequencing data
- Estimating cell-type composition from DNA methylation sequencing data
- Allelic imbalances and variable clonal representation in GTEx Consortium data
- Investigating cancer risk germline mutations using eQTL networks
Invited Speakers
Laurent Excoffier
University of Bern, Switzerland
Jian Yang
University of Queensland, Australia
Louis Quintana-Murci
Institut Pasteur, France
Romain Koszul
Institut Pasteur and CNRS, France
Accepted posters
Steering commitee
Itsik Pe’er, Columbia University
Eleazar Eskin, University of California, Los Angeles
Program Committee Chairs
Simon Gravel, McGill University, Canada
Hugues Aschard, Institut Pasteur, France
Program Committee
Florence Demenais
Jason Ernst
Emmanuelle Genin
Alexander Gusev
Brent Kirkpatrick
Po-Ru Loh
Ion Mandoiu
Sriram Sankararaman
Bjarni Vilhjalmsson
Benjamin Voight