Submissions are now closed for the proceedings, highlights and posters tracks of RECOMB.
Selected contributions can be found on the program page.
Highlights Track Submission
RECOMB 2018 invites the submission of abstracts of papers that have been published in a journal after December 1, 2016 or papers that are “in press” at the time of submission and are already linked on the journal web site. The papers will be selected for presentation according to the impact of the work on the field, the likelihood that the work will make a good presentation and the relevance to biological and biomedical research in general.
Please visit the EasyChair link for submitting a highlights track paper. Submissions will be closed on January 22, 2018. Submissions must contain an abstract (about 200 words, single column, plain justified text in 12pt character size, in US letter size format) including title, author(s), affiliation, e-mail, a link to the published journal version, the identity of the presenter (in case of a multi-authored paper), the name of the preferred track (i.e., RECOMB or a Satellite workshop) for the presentation, followed by the abstract text. Abstracts not following this format will not be considered. Accepted presenters for the Highlights Track are required to make the presentation themselves, and must register and pay to attend the conference.
Poster Submission
RECOMB 2018 invites the submission of abstracts for the poster track. Posters can also be simultaneously submitted to the Satellite workshop poster sessions. Posters accepted to both RECOMB and a Satellite workshop are welcome to be displayed at both meetings.
Please submit a 250-word abstract of your poster that describes its primary results. Your submission should also include the author(s), their affiliations, the presenting author, the e-mail address of at least the contact author and the poster title as requested by the submission system. The abstract should be plain text and not contain figures. Accepted poster abstracts will be published as submitted in the conference book of abstracts.
Please visit the EasyChair system to submit your poster abstract. The submission system will close on February 15, 2018. Acceptance notifications will be sent out on February 22, 2018.
Paper submission (closed)
Before submitting their work on the RECOMB 2018 EasyChair server, prospective authors are invited to consider the scope of the conference, the guidelines for manuscript preparation and the conference policy regarding parallel submissions.
Submit your manuscript!
From Sep. 18th to Nov. 6th 2017
(Last-minute revisions allowed until Nov. 8th)
- Frequently Asked Questions
- Scope
- Cell Systems Partnership
- Parallel Submission Policy
- Manuscript Preparation
- Paper Submission Procedures and Notification
- Late Revisions Deadline
Is there an official Latex/Word template for submitting to the proceedings track?
Manuscripts will be considered for review regardless of the typesetting software used to prepare them, as long as they satisfy the constraints described in the Manuscript Preparation section.
However, the expected format for submitting your final version is Springer’s LNBI/LNCS. Using this template, while not mandatory, is encouraged to ease the production of the final version, should your paper be accepted.
Does the appendix/abstract/references count towards the 10 pages limit?
As stated in the manuscript preparation section, the length limit applies to the main body of the article, and does not include the cover page (inc. abstract and keywords), bibliography or the appendix. Note, however, that the appendix should only substantiate claims explicitly made in the main article.
The RECOMB 2018 conference aims to bridge the computational, mathematical, statistical, and biological sciences, and bring together researchers, professionals, students and industrial practitioners from all over the world for interaction and exchange of new developments in all areas of bioinformatics and computational biology. The conference will feature keynote talks by leading scientists, presentations of peer-reviewed high-quality research papers, presentations of exciting research developments that were published within the past year and poster sessions on latest research progress.
Papers reporting on original research (both theoretical and experimental) in all areas of computational molecular biology are sought. Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:
- Molecular sequence analysis
- Sequencing and genotyping technologies
- Gene regulation, transcriptomics, and epigenomics
- Metagenomics
- Immunogenomics
- Population and statistical genetics
- Complex disease and cancer genetics
- Evolution and comparative genomics
- RNA structure and function
- Protein structure and function
- Computational proteomics and proteogenomics
- Computational systems biology
- Computational structural biology
- Biological networks
- Bioimaging
Submissions should represent original, previously unpublished work. The Program Committee will rigorously review submitted extended abstracts (approximately 10 pages). Selected papers will be accepted for presentation at the conference. Accepted abstracts will be published as a proceedings volume in the Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics (LNBI) series from Springer-Verlag, which will be available at the conference. RECOMB is again partnering with Cell Systems and Journal of Computational Biology. Authors of selected accepted papers will be invited, but not required, to submit an edited journal version for a special issue of Cell Systems (as detailed below) or Journal of Computational Biology.
Cell Systems Partnership
All submissions to RECOMB will be considered for the Cell Systems RECOMB special issue. The authors will be notified as to whether their paper is accepted for oral presentation at RECOMB and is being considered for expedited review by Cell Systems on December 21th, 2017. In addition to the RECOMB reviewers, the Editors of Cell Systems, as well as potentially 1-2 additional reviewers with particular knowledge of the biological applications addressed, will be actively engaged in those RECOMB papers being considered for Cell Systems. In addition, we anticipate that all accepted RECOMB 2018 proceedings papers will be considered for a 250-word format Cell Systems commentary publication, continuing a pilot project from RECOMB 2017.
Parallel Submission
If a paper is accepted for oral presentation at RECOMB the authors can submit their full paper to the journal of their choice, after they receive the notification on December 18th, 2017. The authors of any RECOMB paper being published in a journal other than JCB (including Cell Systems) must submit a final two-page extended abstract for inclusion in the Springer LNBI proceedings in lieu of the full paper. If by the deadline of the camera ready version, the paper has not appeared in a journal yet, authors must submit it to the preprint server and to ensure that the presented paper is accessible, as described above. Papers accepted for presentation that have been accepted to a journal other than Cell Systems may be moved to the Highlights track at the discretion of the PC Chair.
Manuscript Preparation
A manuscript should start with a succinct statement of the problem, the results achieved, their significance, and a comparison with previous work. This material should be understandable to non-specialists. A technical exposition directed to the specialist should follow. The length, excluding cover page, bibliography and appendix, should not exceed 10 pages. The manuscript should be easy to read, using at least 11 point font size on U.S. standard 8 1/2 by 11 inch paper with no less than one inch margin all around. If the authors believe that more details are absolutely necessary to substantiate the claims of the paper, they may include a clearly marked appendix, which might be read at the discretion of the reviewers. An email address for the contact author should be included. Manuscripts that deviate significantly from these guidelines risk rejection without consideration of their merits.
Paper submission procedures and notification
Submission of papers to RECOMB 2018 will be through the EasyChair conference system, following the link from the conference web page:
The submission system will be open starting September 18, 2017 and ending November 6th, 2017.
The Program Committee, chaired by Ben Raphael (Princeton University), will referee the conference submissions. Authors will be notified of acceptance or rejection by email on or before December 18, 2017. We request that an author of each accepted paper provides LaTeX files or an MS Word file in the special format for Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics by January 16, 2018.
An author of each accepted paper is expected to attend the conference and present the paper; in case of unexpected circumstances, alternative arrangements, approved by the conference chair, should be made to have the paper presented.
Late Revisions Deadline: Nov 8th 2017
The motivation behind the “revisions only” deadline is to maximize opportunity for quality submissions, while keeping sufficient time for a thorough review:
- New submissions will no longer be accepted after November 6.
- Revised versions of manuscripts received before November 6 will be accept if and only if they use the same title as initial submission and improve their content. They cannot substantially change the scientific premise or methodology. For example, a manuscript describing a deep learning approach to protein structure prediction cannot be revised to describe a combinatorial optimization algorithm for phylogenetic tree reconstruction. Revisions that do not adhere to these guidelines will not be considered.