4th RECOMB Satellite on Computational Methods in Genetics
The large-scale, cost-effective availability genotype data over the last decade has lead to novel analytical opportunities and computational challenges in statistical genetics. Population genetics allows more refined understanding of the demographic history of our species, association analysis provides insights regarding the functional and molecular underpinnings of diseases and traits, while clinical applications suggest genetics as a trailblazer into personalized medicine. The complex bioinformatic questions arising range from inferring more nuanced statistical models of genetic information to algorithms that overcome the complexity challenges of analyzing millions of SNPs across millions of individuals, to systems level challenges of handling such Big Data repositories of genotypes and phenotypes.
This meeting will focus on current research at the intersection of genetics, computer science, statistics, and related fields in gathering and analyzing SNP and haplotype data and applying it to problems in medicine and basic research. We plan to build on the success of previous RECOMB Satellite Meetings on Computational Methods for SNPs and Haplotypes in bringing together leading participants from widely divergent backgrounds to share their expertise and results.
Original research papers (including significant work-in-progress) or state-of-the-art surveys are solicited in all aspects of SNP analysis and genetics, including, but not limited to:
- Association analysis pipelines, imputation, phasing and meta-analysis
- Rare variants analyses and burden tests
- Risk/phenotype prediction models and heritability analysis
- Analysis of molecular and ‘omics phenotypes (e.g., gene expression and other epigenetic markers)
- Complex associations including mixed models, epistasis, normalization
- Structured phenotypes: multiple/serial/intermediate phenotypes and pleiotropy
- Inference of population structure and demographic history
- Models for mutation, recombination, selection, and conservation
- Relatedness and identity-by-descent
- Structural variation
- Nancy Cox, Vanderbilt University
- Jonathan Pritchard, Stanford University
Program Committee Chair:
- Barbara Engelhart, Princeton University
Keynote Chair:
- Bogdan Pasaniuc, University of California, Los Angeles
Steering Committee:
- Itsik Pe’er, Columbia University
- Eleazar Eskin, University of California, Los Angeles
We solicit contributions in four different categories as follows:
- Complete manuscripts. Up to 10 pages (excluding references) in Genetics format describing original work on computational aspects of genomic research involving massively parallel sequencing and computational approaches to genomic analysis.
- Highlights Track abstracts. 1-2 pages describing computational aspects of work that has been published in a journal after October 1, 2014, or papers that are “in press” at the time of submission and are already linked on the journal web site. This track is joint with the main RECOMB conference.
- Abstracts for short talks. 1-2 pages describing original work, including software applications. These will be considered for short presentations as well as for posters.
- Posters. Up to 1 page describing original work, including software applications. These will be considered exclusively for posters.
Please submit a 250-word abstract of your poster that describes its primary results. Your submission should also include the author(s), their affiliations, the presenting author, the e-mail address of at least the contact author and the poster title as requested by the submission system. The abstract should be plain text and not contain figures. Accepted poster abstracts will be published as submitted in the conference book of abstracts. Abstracts submitted to the satellites will be considered for short oral presentation (“flash talks”).
Submissions for posters and short talks must be received in electronic form via the EasyChair system (using the same poster track for the main RECOMB conference) by February 15, 2016.
Manuscripts should be no more than 10 single-spaced US letter or A4 pages excluding references with at most a 6.5×9″ text area in at least 11 point font. Title and authors, corresponding author’s email address, 100-250 word abstract, references, figures, and tables all included. An optional short appendix may contain details or additional data to be consulted at the discretion of the program committee. Manuscripts must be submitted electronically in PDF format via the EasyChair system.
Submissions must be received in electronic form by February 4, 2016.
Manuscripts submitted for review should represent original, previously unpublished work. At the time of submission to the workshop, and for the entire review period, the work should not be under review by any other conference or scientific journal.
Accepted submissions will be accepted for a talk at the workshop and will simultaneously be considered for publication in our partnering journal, Genetics and G3. If accepted at the workshop and rejected from Genetics and G3, we will not be publishing the manuscript and you are free to pursue publication elsewhere.
If you would like to consider submitting a paper rejected by RECOMB 2016 to the satellite workshop, you may do so by the regular deadline of February 4. You must include in your submission the reviews received from RECOMB together with a rebuttal addressing the concerns raised by the reviewers. The submitted manuscript should also be modified according to the reviews, or provide an explanation of why modifications are unnecessary. All reviews will be treated confidentially and will only be visible to the PC members evaluating your paper.
Please note that acceptance to RECOMB-SEQ, RECOMB-CBB or RECOMB-Genetics is not guaranteed, even if you have revised your submission. All papers, including those submitted directly to either satellite meeting, will be equally evaluated on the basis of scientific quality, technical novelty and level of interest to the respective community.
Submission of papers to RECOMB 2016 will be through the EasyChair conference system, following the link from the conference web page. The submission system will be open starting January 3rd, 2016 and ending February 4th, 2016. For full details, please see the submissions link at the conference website. Authors will be notified of acceptance or rejection by email on or before February 15th, 2016. An author of each accepted paper is expected to attend the workshop and present the paper; otherwise, alternative arrangements should be made to have the paper presented.
The fourth RECOMB Satellite workshop on Genetics (RECOMB-Genetics) is partnering with Genetics and its partner journal G3. Authors who submit papers to workshops can now have their papers considered in parallel with these journals. Authors who are interested in consideration by these journals must select this option when submitting their papers through the EasyChair system.
Genetics is a monthly scientific journal publishing investigations bearing on heredity, genetics, biochemistry and molecular biology. Genetics is published by the Genetics Society of America. George Harrison Shull was the founding editor in 1916. As of 2008, the editor-in-chief is Mark Johnston.
February 4: Submission
February 5: Reviewers assigned
February 15: Reviews due & poster submission deadline
March 1: Program announced
April 16 & 17: Workshop