Papers reporting on original research (both theoretical and experimental) in all areas of computational molecular biology are sought. Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:
- Molecular sequence analysis
- Regulation and epigenomics
- Transcriptomics
- Biological networks
- Sequencing and genotyping technologies
- Metagenomics
- Population and statistical genetics
- Evolution and comparative genomics
- Systems biology
- Computational proteomics
- Computational structural biology
- Protein structure and function
- Bioimaging
Submissions should represent original, previously unpublished work. The Program Committee will rigorously review submitted extended abstracts (approximately 10 pages). Selected papers will be accepted for presentation at the conference. Accepted abstracts will be published as a proceedings volume in the Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics (LNBI) series from Springer-Verlag, which will be available at the conference. This year we are excited to announce that RECOMB is partnering with Cell Systems along with the Journal of Computational Biology.
We recognize the growing importance of computational biology in life science research and the need for algorithmicists to develop new partnerships with investigators outside of the typical RECOMBcommunity. We hope to encourage researchers to publish their theoretical and experimental work together, while still describing the computational advances in the main paper. The Cell Systems partnership is intended to help RECOMB authors craft their work to help reach the broader biological research community. For consideration, there should be relevance of the algorithmic advance in terms of interest to experimentalists, biological insight, practical utility or generalizability to diverse domains. Authors will be notified of whether or not there paper is being considered for expedited review on December 15th. In addition to the RECOMB reviewers, the Editors of Cell Systems, as well as potentially 1-2 additional reviewers with particular knowledge of the biological applications addressed, will be actively engaged in those accepted RECOMB papers being considered for Cell Systems.
While we strongly recommend that authors consider having their paper considered by Cell Systems due to the advantages of the joint review process and ease of publication which will be centrally coordinated with the RECOMB conference, authors are allowed to submit their papers in parallel to another journal including Journal of Computational Biology. For those RECOMB papers not being sent to Journal of Computational Biology, a final one-page extended abstract should be submitted for inclusion in the LNBI proceedings in lieu of the full paper. If by the time of the conference, the paper has not appeared in a journal yet, authors must submit it to the preprint servers and to ensure that the presented paper is accessible. Both in the journal version as well as the preprints on arxiv and, the manuscript has to contain the message, “This paper was selected for oral presentation atRECOMB 2016 and an abstract is published in the conference proceedings”. Papers accepted for presentation that have been accepted to another journal may be moved to the Highlight track at the discretion of the PC Chair.
A manuscript should start with a succinct statement of the problem, the results achieved, their significance, and a comparison with previous work. This material should be understandable to non-specialists. A technical exposition directed to the specialist should follow. The length, excluding cover page and bibliography, should not exceed 10 pages. The manuscript should be easy to read, using at least 11 point font size on U.S. standard 8 1/2 by 11 inch paper with no less than one inch margin all around. If the authors believe that more details are absolutely necessary to substantiate the claims of the paper, they may include a clearly marked appendix, which might be read at the discretion of the reviewers. An email address for the contact author should be included. Manuscripts that deviate significantly from these guidelines risk rejection without consideration of their merits.
Manuscripts can be submitted through:
For submissions published in the RECOMB proceedings volume, detailed formatting instructions are at the Springer-Verlag site, under “Information for LNCS Authors,” at:
Submission of papers to RECOMB2016 will be through the EasyChair conference system, following the link from the conference web page. The submission system will be open starting September 13th, 2015 and endingOctober 26th, 2015. For full details, please see the submissions link at the conference website. Please indicate at the time of submission whether you would also like your paper to be considered for publication in Cell Systems.The Program Committee, chaired by Mona Singh (Princeton University), will referee the conference submissions. Authors will be notified of acceptance or rejection by email on or before December 15th, 2015. At the same time, authors will be notified whether their paper will be considered for publication by Cell Systems; these authors will then work with Cell Systems directly regarding their submissions. We request that an author of each accepted paper provides LaTeX files or an MS Word file in the special format for Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics by January 15, 2016. An author of each accepted paper is expected to attend the conference and present the paper; otherwise, alternative arrangements should be made to have the paper presented.