Call for Highlights


RECOMB 2025 invites the submission of abstracts of papers that have been published in a journal after January 1, 2024, or papers that are "in press" at the time of submission and are already linked on the journal website. The papers will be selected for presentation by taking into consideration the impact of the work on the field, the likelihood that the work will make a good presentation, and the relevance to biological and biomedical research in general.

Submissions must contain an abstract (including title, author(s), affiliation, e-mail, a link to the published journal version, the identity of the presenter (in case of a multi-authored paper) followed by the abstract text (about 200 words). Importantly, in addition to the abstract of the paper, the authors should include a few sentences to explain why the work is suitable for a highlight talk at RECOMB 2025. Please also add the PDF of your full paper as Supplementary. Submissions lacking all this information will not be considered. Accepted presenters for the Highlight Track are required to make the presentation themselves and must register for the conference.

The submission deadline is TBA. Authors will be notified of acceptance or rejection by email on TBA.

For further questions, please contact the Highlights Chair.