Posters should be up to 84.1 cm wide by 118.9 cm tall (A0 paper format - 33.11 x 46.81 in) and printed in portrait mode. Please print your posters in advance.
Please note that all even-numbered posters will be presented on Day 1, and all odd-numbered posters will be presented on Day 2. Due to a scheduling conflict, poster number 794 will be presented on Day 2 instead of Day 1.
Scheduling conflicts are identified based on the first author, as we currently do not have information on the presenting authors. If you are presenting multiple posters and find that all your posters have been scheduled on the same day, please inform us by April 1st so we can make the necessary adjustments.
Additionally, if the presenting author is not the first author or if you are unable to travel and present your poster, please notify us no later than April 1st.