Call for Papers


The RECOMB conference series was founded in 1997 to provide a scientific forum for communicating advances in computational biology and applications in molecular biology and medicine. The conference aims at bridging the computational, mathematical, statistical, and biological sciences, and bringing together researchers, professionals, students and industrial practitioners from all over the world for interaction and exchange of new developments in all areas of bioinformatics and computational biology. The conference will feature keynote talks by leading scientists, presentations of peer-reviewed high-quality research papers, presentations of exciting research developments that were published within the past year and poster sessions on latest research progress.


Papers reporting on original research (both theoretical and applied) in all areas of computational molecular biology are suitable for submission. Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:

  • Molecular sequence analysis
  • Sequencing and genotyping technologies
  • Gene regulation and epigenomics
  • Transcriptomics
  • Single-cell omics
  • Metagenomics and microbiome analysis
  • Population genetics and statistical genomics
  • Evolution and comparative genomics
  • Structure and function of non-coding RNAs
  • Computational proteomics and proteogenomics
  • Computational structural biology
  • Computational metabolomics
  • Protein structure and function
  • Biological networks and network biology
  • Computational systems biology
  • Multimodal data integration in biological research
  • Computational approaches to understanding human disease
  • Data privacy and security in biomedical research
  • Bioimaging and molecular and cellular imaging analysis

Submission Guidelines

Submissions should represent original, previously unpublished work. The Program Committee will rigorously review submitted papers. Selected papers will be accepted for presentation at the conference. Accepted abstracts will be published as a proceedings volume in the Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics (LNBI) series from Springer-Verlag, which will be available at the conference. Authors who prefer not to publish their papers in the LNBI proceedings, must submit a final four-page extended abstract for inclusion in the Springer LNBI proceedings in lieu of the full paper and must submit the full paper to the preprint servers or by the deadline of the camera-ready version to ensure that the presented paper is accessible.

Submission deadlines:

Abstract/paper registration deadline: October 16, 2024 11:59 PM AoE
Full paper submission deadline: October 25, 2024 11:59 PM AoE (updates to registered abstracts only)

Paper submission:

Please submit your papers through EasyChair at

Abstract registration:

There is a mandatory abstract submission deadline on October 16, 2024 11:59 PM AoE, nine days prior to the full paper submissions deadline. This deadline allows the Program Committee to begin planning review assignments ahead of full paper submissions. After the abstract submission deadline has passed, new submissions will not be accepted, but authors can update the full paper submission before the paper submission deadline on October 25, 2024 11:59 PM AoE. Please ensure the abstract registration closely aligns with full paper submission in terms of title, author list, and abstract content. "Placeholder" abstract registrations without meaningful descriptions will not be accepted. While minor updates to the abstract are allowed before the full paper submission deadline, any substantial changes to the title or abstract content risk being removed without consideration.

Formatting instructions for paper submission:

Main paper format: All paper submissions must be in PDF format. The maximum length is 10 Letter pages, including all figures/tables and their captions, using a minimum font size of 10pt and 1-inch margins. An additional title page containing the paper title, author list, and abstract is permitted. The bibliography does not count toward the page limit. Submissions that violate the formatting requirement (e.g., by decreasing margins or font sizes) or exceed the page limit may be rejected without review. There is no specific template requirement beyond these guidelines, but authors are encouraged to use the Springer Lecture Notes in Computer Science template available here.

Optional Appendix: If necessary, an Appendix can be submitted as Supplementary Material in a single PDF file. The Appendix should contain materials directly supporting the paper content. There is no page limit for the Appendix, but please note that reviewing the Appendix is at the discretion of the reviewers.

Source code availability: Importantly, if the paper involves the development of new software or analysis methods, the source code should be made publicly accessible via a GitHub repository, which should be sufficiently complete by the submission deadline for reviewers to examine. The link to this repository must be clearly indicated in the paper.

Journal publication:

RECOMB is partnering with Cell Systems, Genome Research, and the Journal of Computational Biology. Authors of selected accepted papers will be invited, but not required, to submit a revised version of their paper for a special issue in one of the partnering journals. These journals will require some expansion of the RECOMB accepted papers. Preprint server submissions are allowed without restrictions. Submissions to peer-reviewed journals other than the partnering ones are also allowed; however, authors should note that 'double-dipping' is not permitted. If an author has a paper that is submitted elsewhere in parallel, or intends to be submitted in parallel, they are required to withdraw that paper from the full publication in the proceedings immediately upon acceptance, and opt for the extended abstract option, along with the mandatory preprint server submission.

All accepted submissions to RECOMB will be considered for the RECOMB special issues of Cell Systems and Genome Research. Authors will be notified of whether their paper is accepted for oral presentation at RECOMB and simultaneously whether it is being further considered for expedited review by Cell Systems or Genome Research upon RECOMB acceptance notification. In addition to the RECOMB reviewers, the editors of Cell Systems and Genome Research, as well as potentially 1-2 additional reviewers with particular knowledge of the biological applications addressed, will be actively engaged in those accepted RECOMB papers being considered for Cell Systems and Genome Research, respectively.

Separately, all accepted papers not published elsewhere will be offered publication in a special issue of the Journal of Computational Biology.


Please email Sriram Sankararaman, Program Committee Chair of RECOMB 2025, at about any questions related to the submissions.