RECOMB 2011 Banner

Monday March 28

Discovery and characterization of chromatin states for systematic annotation of the human genome
Jason Ernst and Manolis Kellis (MIT)


Tuesday March 29

Understanding gene sequence variation in the context of transcription regulation in yeast
Irit Gat-Viks (Broad Inst.), Renana Meller, Martin Kupiec and Ron Shamir


Tuesday March 29

A quantitative model of glucose signaling in yeast reveals an incoherent feed forward loop leading to a specific, transient pulse of transcription
Sooraj KuttyKrishnan, Jeffrey Sabina, Laura Langton, Mark Johnston and Michael R. Brent (WUSTL)


Thursday March 31

Seeing More Is Knowing More: V3D Enables Real-time 3D Visualization and Quantitative Analysis of Large-scale Biological Image Data Sets
Hanchuan Peng, Fuhui Long (HHMI, Janelia Farm), Zongcai Ruan, Julie H Simpson and Eugene W Myers


Thursday March 31

A three-dimensional model of the yeast genome
William Noble (U. Washington), Zhi-jun Duan, Mirela Andronescu, Kevin Schutz, Sean McIlwain, Yoo Jung Kim, Choli Lee, Jay Shendure, Stanley Fields and C. Anthony Blau



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