RECOMB 2011 Banner

Welcome to RECOMB 2011, the 15th Annual International Conference on Research in Computational Molecular Biology!

Take a look at the RECOMB 2011 photos! . See you next year in Barcelona (RECOMB 2012).

Congratulations to

RECOMB 2011 best paper award:

Shay Zakov, Yoav Goldberg, Michael Elhadad and Michal Ziv-Ukelson. Rich Parametrization Improves RNA Structure Prediction.

RECOMB 2011 best poster awards:

Chen Yanover and Philip Bradley. Large-scale characterization of binding landscapes using structural simulations: application to C2H2 zinc-finger transcription factors and MHC proteins

Raheleh Salari and Teresa M Przytycka. The effect of SNPs on Boltzmann distribution for RNA secondary structure

RECOMB 2011 Test of Time award :

Clustering gene expression patterns. Ben-Dor A, Shamir R, Yakhini Z.

RECOMB is a well-established scientific conference bridging the computational, mathematical, and biological sciences. The conference features keynote talks by preeminent scientists in the life sciences, together with presentations of refereed research papers in computational biology.

RECOMB 2011 will take place in beautiful Vancouver. New this year, RECOMB will have parallel sessions to widen the scope of the conference. Authors of accepted papers will be invited to submit an edited version of the manuscript for a special issue of the Journal of Computational Biology. This year, the JCB special issue will be published concurrently with the conference. We also have an agreement with Genome Research wherein a select set of accepted papers that meet Genome Research guidelines will be considered for concurrent publication based on a parallel review process.

There will be a strong focus on Next-Generating Sequencing and applications, with a joint pre-conference satellite workshop on Cancer Genomics and Next-Gen Sequencing, and conference panels on Personalized Medicine and Next-Gen Sequencing.

The RECOMB 2011 conference will be held March 28-31 2011 at Fairmont Hotel Vancouver, located in Vancouver Downtown.


Extend the life of your poster

RECOMB 2011 in cooperation with Faculty of 1000 invites poster presenters at the meeting to deposit their poster(s) into the new open access poster repository, F1000 Posters enabling those who could not make the meeting to see the novel work presented. F1000's expert Faculty of ~10,000 members will then view these submissions to identify those they wish to select for positive evaluation in the award winning F1000 post-publication peer review service.




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